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About Bulls 'N' Bears

"One of the very nice things about investing in Stock Market is that you learn about different aspects of the economy. It's your window into a very large world."

If you aspire to invest in stock market, yearn to strategically purchase and sell stocks to earn money, then Bulls 'N Bears is your chance to experience the ups and downs of a stock market. You must devise a tactical scheme for investing and disposing stocks and spontaneously handle the real time events to pave your path to victory.


Bulls 'n' Bears is an online stock market event. It continues for a period of three days. Like in a real stock market, a participant buys shares and depending upon circumstances your shares may grow or dwindle. Person with maximum number of shares at the end of three days will be the ultimate king of the share bazaar.


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Contact Us

Nikhil Kumar Mishra : +91 9560833097
Sagnik Bhowmick : +91 9873555301
Divji : +91 9560509106
Dannish Singh : +91 7838077369