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About The Event

‘Todo En Uno’, Spanish for the phrase 'All In One', is a quizzing event. This event challenges your general knowledge, perceptive capabilities and intelligence quotient. Calling forth all people who believe they have the knack for observing things amiss and a confidence in their skill to solve the unsolvable. Todo En Uno is an event that brings forward intellectual and observant skills of individuals. The event consists of a series of rounds, each more gruelling than the last, that will push your capabilities to the limit. Only the strongest will survive. So, what are you waiting for?


In this event, teams from numerous colleges compete against each other to establish themselves as the most intellectual and brilliant duo, by battling their way through various rounds. Each team comprises of two members, who may not be from the same college necessarily.


12th February'18

Contact Us

Prithu Verma : +91 8800738674
Deeksha Mittal : +91 9013169179